Controlling the Controller: A primer on repurposing controllers using Max4Live

I’ve been doing some more writing for the KMI blog,
mostly on Live and Max4Live. You can catch the second part of ‘Controlling the Controllers’ right HERE.

I discuss using the Live API in Max4Live to do some clip launching, mute and solo tracks, and control LEDs using a bit of Javascript.

Controlling the Controller: A primer on repurposing controllers using Max4Live

The Beat Battles continue

The bi-weekly Beat Battles over at IDMF have been giving me a good opportunity to keep sharp on my sound design chops, as well as forcing me to make some new music every other week in between the bigger projects I am working on. This past weeks challenge had a minimal amount of source material.

Those samples turned into this:

One of the rules this round was to re-amp at least on element. After I began to do that I was able to get some really great sounds so I endeD up  re-amping quite a few of the elements. I have made a pack with all a few of the sampled instrument racks, and you can download it HERE.


The Beat Battles continue

Softstep Bitwig Scripts are here

I’ve been working on this through the week and it’s time to share it! At the request of a linux user over at the KVR forum I started polishing up this proof of concept. It’s a clip launching/FX controlling set of two presets. You have control over a 4×2 grid of clips, and also the ability to control the first 4 macros on any device in any of those four tracks. Complete with useful LED feedback!

I imagine this being useful in a Live looping situation, or just being able to navigate a live performance with your feet. You know, if you’re hands are too buys being up in the air because you are KILLING it.

Anyway, check out the github repository if you’re interested!

Softstep Bitwig Scripts are here

New things over at KMI.

We just launched a new website over at KMI!

This section will have music tech news, articles, and other informative posts. The inaugural post is the first part of a series of articles I will be writing discussing Effects Racks in Live. In this edition I recreate an Automatic Double Tracking setup with some nice additions that expand functionality and flexibility.

Thinking in Parallel: Live Effects Racks for Utility and Creativity


New things over at KMI.